APF-S2T: Steering to Target Redirection Walking Based on Artificial Potential Fields
Investigating the Carryover Effects of Calibration of Size Perception in Augmented Reality to the Real World
2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
APF-S2T: Steering to Target Redirection Walking Based on Artificial Potential Fields
APF-S2T: Steering to Target Redirection Walking Based on Artificial Potential Fields
IEEE VR 2024 and IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 2024.
Comparing and Contrasting Near-Field, Object Space, and a Novel Hybrid Interaction Technique for Distant Object Manipulation in VR
Comparing and Contrasting Near-Field, Object Space, and a Novel Hybrid Interaction Technique for Distant Object Manipulation in VR
Virtual Worlds, 2024.
The Benefits of Near-field Manipulation and Viewing to Distant Object Manipulation in VR
The Benefits of Near-field Manipulation and Viewing to Distant Object Manipulation in VR
IEEE VR 2024.
Design and Evaluation of an Asynchronous VR Exploration System for Architectural Design Discussion Content
Design and Evaluation of an Asynchronous VR Exploration System for Architectural Design Discussion Content
Virtual Worlds, 2023.
Novel Design and Evaluation of Redirection Controllers Using Optimized Alignment and Artificial Potential Field
Novel Design and Evaluation of Redirection Controllers Using Optimized Alignment and Artificial Potential Field
IEEE ISMAR 2023 and IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
Comparing the Effects of Visual Realism on Size Perception in VR versus Real World Viewing through Physical and Verbal Judgments
Comparing the Effects of Visual Realism on Size Perception in VR versus Real World Viewing through Physical and Verbal Judgments
IEEE VR 2023 and IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
Comparing the Fidelity of Contemporary Pointing with Controller Interactions on Performance of Personal Space Target Selection
Comparing the Fidelity of Contemporary Pointing with Controller Interactions on Performance of Personal Space Target Selection
Design and Empirical Evaluation of a Novel Near-field Interaction Metaphor on Distant Object Manipulation in VR
Design and Empirical Evaluation of a Novel Near-field Interaction Metaphor on Distant Object Manipulation in VR
ACM Spatial User Interaction 2021
An Evaluation of the Efficiency of Popular Personal Space Pointing versus Controller based Spatial Selection in VR
An Evaluation of the Efficiency of Popular Personal Space Pointing versus Controller based Spatial Selection in VR
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2020
BasketballGAN: Generating Basketball Play Simulation Through Sketching
BasketballGAN: Generating Basketball Play Simulation Through Sketching
ACM Multimedia 2019
Exemplar-based freckle retouching and skin tone adjustment
Exemplar-based freckle retouching and skin tone adjustment
ELSEVIER Computers & Graphics 2018
Adversarial Generation Of Defensive Trajectories In Basketball Games
Adversarial Generation Of Defensive Trajectories In Basketball Games
ACM International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops 2018
Simulating painted appearance of BTF materials
Simulating painted appearance of BTF materials
ACM Multimedia Tools and Applications 2018
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Research Topics

  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technology and Application (虛擬實境與擴增實境技術與應用)
    • VR/AR virtual object selection technology (VR/AR虛擬物件選取技術)

    • VR/AR virtual object manipulation technology (VR/AR虛擬物件操作技術)

    • Size perception in VR/AR

    • Real walking (in physical indoor or outdoor space with obstacles)  for VR/AR navigation

    • Enhancing spatial knowledge acquisition for navigation in virtual environments

    • Visual analytics in VR/AR (VR/AR之視覺分析)

    • Augmented reality (AR) virtual and real scene occlusion calculation (擴增實境虛實場景遮擋計算)

    • Interaction between human and virtual objects and real objects (人與虛擬物件與現實物件之互動問題)

    • Multi-person VR architectural design discussion system (多人VR建築設計討論系統)

    • VR architectural design discussion content learning system (VR建築設計討論內容學習系統)

  • Application of Machine Learning to Graphics (機器學習於圖學之應用)
  • Face and facial features beautification technology (人臉五官美化技術)
  • Visual analysis of massive data (巨量資料視覺化分析)
    • Community, game, e-commerce datas (社群、遊戲、電子商務資料)

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